
Because of its underground position, the fixed dome does not require heavy daily maintenance. The essential job is when a fixed-dome is in the manufacturing process. There should not be the slightest cavity capable of causing air leakage in the fixed dome. Therefore, the manufacture must be supervised by experts.

The fixed-dome age can be said to be quite long; that is, it can last 15 years in fair use and care. Maintenance is easy, it only requires occasional maintenance and replacing pipelines if there is any damage.

The most significant risk of leakage occurs at the connection between pipelines and equipment. Therefore, to avoid significant leaks, checking for leaks needs to be done regularly, starting from the main gas pipe for the concrete dome (fixed-dome).

Fixed-dome is a licensed product of YayasanRumah Energi and has a three-year warranty. If there is any damage, you can contact Yayasan Rumah Energi for immediate repair. Yayasan Rumah Energi has a RESCO (Renewable Energy Service Corporation) program assigned as a field team.